Exam Information

Exam Timetables 24-25


Exam board certificates are normally received by the school in early November,  students will be contacted about arrangements for collection of their certificates during the autumn term.  Year 9 Languages certificates will be held by the School until students complete all their GCSEs in Year 11.

Certificates must be kept in a safe place as replacing these can be expensive and you will likely need these as proof of evidence in the future.



Parents guide to exams stress

Subjects 2024-25


GCSE Yr9 Student exam booklet

GCE Yr 12 Student exam dates letter


Exams Policy 2024/25

Post exam results policy

Staying well during revision and exams


GCSE Yr11 Students exam booklet

GCE Yr 13 Student exam dates letter

Mobile phones in exams

Post exam results services


Word Processors in exams Policy 2024/25

GCSE Students exam dates letter