Recycle your old HGHS blazer

Recycle your old HGHS blazer

Dear Parent Carers, Following the introduction of the new uniform for the academic Year 2020-21, we know that many of you have old style blazers which are no longer suitable but are still in good condition. We are currently looking into a way of sending these unwanted...
Year 12 & 13 Teams Parents’ Evening 22nd October 2020

Year 12 & 13 Teams Parents’ Evening 22nd October 2020

Due to the current restrictions Year 12/13 Parents’ Evening will be held via Microsoft Teams and we encourage all parents/carers to attend the evening online. For all subjects, Parents’ Evening will be on Thursday 22th October and appointments will be available...
DofE marks Hazel Grove students’ lockdown achievements

DofE marks Hazel Grove students’ lockdown achievements

Students at Hazel Grove High School may have endured months of lockdown along with the rest of us but that didn’t stop them achieving incredible things. Not only did they continue learning and studying hard at home, students working towards their Duke of Edinburgh...
Year 12 & 13 Teams Parents’ Evening 22nd October 2020

Letter to Parents: Face Masks

Dear Parents/Carers, Many thanks for your continued support ensuring that your child attends school with a face covering in line with the Government guidance. At Hazel Grove High School students must wear a face covering: • When walking from one area of the school to...
Year 12 & 13 Teams Parents’ Evening 22nd October 2020

Form tutors send welcome messages to our new Year 7s

We are really looking forward to meeting our new Year 7 students next week. We hope you have all had a good summer and are looking forward to starting your high school experience. Some of our form tutors have recorded a welcome message for their new forms. Please...
Returning to School In September

Returning to School In September

We are looking forward to welcoming you back to school in September! Here are our returning to school arrangements: Wednesday 2nd September:  Year 7 – 8.30am to 12.05pm. Please enter via the main gates where you will be directed to meet your form tutors and Head...