Wrapped Up: December Highlights

Wrapped Up: December Highlights

It has been a very busy few weeks at Hazel Grove High School this December. To end a brilliant term, we have wrapped up some of the highlights from the past month! Salvation Army Christmas Present Appeal Students and staff have been bringing in donations of new toys...
The Laurus Trust Libraries Book Awards 2022-23

The Laurus Trust Libraries Book Awards 2022-23

At the Laurus Trust, reading is a key priority. We value the huge impact that regular reading can make to students’ progress in all subjects across the curriculum and to their health, well-being and personal development. Our goal is to immerse students in a...
Top tips for writing your Sixth Form Application

Top tips for writing your Sixth Form Application

Applying to join our Sixth Form? There’s not long to go until our Admissions window closes! There are some open questions on the application form which we’ll refer to when you come for your consultation meeting. This is your chance to tell us more about yourself: why...