Curriculum Statement - Beliefs and Values (RS/PSHE)

“Our greatest ability as humans is not to change the world; but to change ourselves” – Mahatma Gandhi

Powerful Knowledge in Beliefs & Values (RS/PSHE/Citizenship)

To understand the world around us, and how we fit into that world, we must attempt to understand the cultures, traditions, customs and beliefs of the people around us. It is every child’s right to become equipped with the powerful knowledge that will allow them to be a respectful, tolerant, and active citizen who can form and evaluate their own opinions whilst accepting those of other people.

Beliefs and Values covers the disciplines of RS, PSHE and Citizenship. Within Beliefs and Values, and through the subjects of Religious Studies, PSHE and Citizenship, we believe that the powerful knowledge that enables students to achieve this understanding is through:

  • being taught about how to make their own decisions about moral, ethical and current affairs
  • understanding the differences and similarities we hold with others and to celebrate these
  • being empowered on how to make decisions that will have a positive impact on their physical and/or mental wellbeing
  • understanding how to form respectful, meaningful and happy relationships through understanding of how we should treat others and how we should be treated
  • knowing that many things are ambiguous, and developing empathy to see things from other perspectives
  • inspiring students to look beyond their own sphere of influence in order to open minds, reduce prejudiced views and limit narrow-minded behaviours
  • knowing the choices that are open to everyone, and how to make the most of these choices
  • being taught about key religious beliefs and practices and also how these practices impact society
  • knowing how to care for their own, and others’ wellbeing through a range of support and reporting features including the concept of upstanding
  • understanding how to make their own decisions about moral, ethical and current affairs that affect them


Curriculum Features

Beliefs and Values at Hazel Grove High School gives students the opportunity to become aware of the world, the people and the issues that surround them. Religious studies explores philosophical, theological and sociological disciplines. Through this academic rigour, our students can develop a full understanding of what it means to be religious and how that looks in modern Britain and throughout the world. We intend for our students to recognise and appreciate diversity and develop an understanding of, respect for and tolerance towards others.

Students will learn about themselves, what it means to be a global citizen, religious and secular beliefs as well as Philosophical and Ethical theories. As part of this, students will engage with living religions that are active and relevant in our world and in our school whilst also considering philosophical discussions.

Students are asked to think politically, decisively and analytically in order to make their own decision, evaluate the decisions of others and engage with modern topics whilst being knowledgeable, respectful and thoughtful. Students are encouraged to uphold and care for their own, and other’s wellbeing and rights through a range of signposted opportunities and be confident in their ethical and moral stand points both now and into their futures.


Co Curriculum Enrichment

Out of the beliefs and values department we work with the local Baptist Church to ensure students have access to guest speakers who can express their religious beliefs first hand thereby giving students an opportunity to engage with a living religion.
We also give students access to British Values and celebrate religious festivals and other events through form time activities, assemblies and working across the curriculum with other subjects.

Students have the opportunity to attend an enrichment trip to Auschwitz. This is supported by assemblies recognising Holocaust Memorial day.
We have a range of guest speakers and workshops from the Youth Justice Team, local faith representatives, external anti-bullying organisations and many more. We are also supported both in school and virtually by local charities, teams and initiatives.